Well all the cracks are full and small rivers and ponds have formed. Another wor…

Well all the cracks are full and small rivers and ponds have formed. Another words we are rained out. 😔 Please have a fun and safe holiday weekend🏁

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  1. Is there someone there to get folks outta the pits now

  2. Korey Keimig and I Had car both cars all loaded up and ready to go down there. This blows. Working on the car from 5pm to midnight every day this week to make sure it was ready for this to happens really sucks.

  3. Y’all can race at Rpm tomorrow , come on over Jim

  4. Hard to get it in with all this rain. I really wanted to try this new setup. Till next weekend.

  5. BOOTHILL is open tonight…

  6. I would like to work at the track . I can’t afford a car but I love racing and I want to be a part of it .